The pool fencing regulations in Victoria span across five differing sets of requirements that can apply to your pool or spa’s safety barrier, which are commonly referred to as the “applicable barrier standard”, and are based on the Australian Standards (AS).  The differing sets of requirements allow for the grandfathering of legacy rules for properties with older pools and spas, whereas newer pools and spas must adhere to more contemporary requirements.  They are referred to as follows:

  1. Division 2 of Part 9A of the Building Regulations 2018
  2. AS 1926.1 – 1986
  3. AS 1926.1 – 1993
  4. AS 1926.1 – 2007
  5. AS 1926.1 – 2012

The applicable barrier standard that applies to a property is determined based on the date of construction of the pool or spa.  The date ranges are as follows:

  1. Pre 8 Apr 1991 = Division 2 of Part 9A of the Building Regulations 2018
  2. 8 Apr 1991 to 31 Oct 1994 = AS 1926.1 – 1986
  3. 1 Nov 1994 to 30 Apr 2010 = AS 1926.1 – 1993
  4. 1 May 2010 to 30 Apr 2013 = AS 1926.1 – 2007
  5. Post 30 April 2013 = AS 1926.1 – 2012

Unfortunately these Australian Standards are not freely available online as they are privately owned by Standards Australia and subject to copyright and must be purchased should you wish to read them in detail.  Fortunately, the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) has published summarised versions of these Australian Standards in the form of three Pool and Spa Safety Self-Assessment Checklists which can be freely accessed online to help property owners understand what is required.  Links to these self-assessment checklists are as follows:

Please feel free to review our frequently asked questions, or contact us should you have any questions relating to your pool or spa’s safety barrier.